
唔記得咗個Social Insurance Number?

有冇朋友都唔記得咗個SIN?  打算回流嘅朋友一定要搵番個SIN.  如果唔記得咗係可以去Service Canada申請嘅。


但係如果五年以上冇用你個number就會被凍結 (Dormant)。亦都要填寫一份Questionnaire,回覆點解多年冇用同埋你身處嘅地方。Questions are:

  • If you were in Canada during all or part of this period, explain why your SIN was inactive this period
  • If you were in a country or countries other than Canada during all or part of this period: Specify the country (ies)
  • Provide details about what you were doing while you were outside of Canada
  • If necessary, would you be able to provide additional information to confirm your statement.


2 則留言:

  1. 我最後一個月之後收到封信,寫咗我嘅SIN。

  2. Hi. I also live and Hk and forget my sin. 我睇過條link 和service Canada. 填form時出現問題,也找不到你所講的questionnaires. 請問可否幫幫忙


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